Friday, 20 June 2008

Spinny Spinny


Ok, still dont know if this is going to work, but it might. Its a gif of the mystery mini spinning. It might not look like it but I've added a 1.5" cube's worth of ProCreate. I dont think I emphasized enough just how much epoxy these minis are going to take. If I was using packets of GW Greenstuff... I'd say it would take around 10-15 more packets to finish... maybe more. I guess I'll find out XD that would be one expensive mini :P no wonder ppl use supersculpy. I bet its barrels cheaper on mass.

Havent done much more on these guys as I've been working or the armor parts to my sisters tifa costume and i've made my friend a Masquerade Mask for a costume party saturday. I'll upload picks for of me making then in my next entry. Dont wanna do anything too risky incase it kills this gif.

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