Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Mr Tree and mystery

zomg, missed a whole day. shame on me. did a little more on the old Treant. i think it came out real well ^^ totally loveing how the branches came out. wont be able to do any more on him for a while tho as im thinking to get the thinner brances at the top i should solder some single thicknesses of wire. onlyproblem being that i lost my soldering iron a long long time a go so need to get a new one. but my car is in the garage after some (a lot) of hissy fits.

Mystery mini!

He's also ging to be a slow one. he's going to take a lotta procreate to finish so im just useing any i make up extra to blob on him so i dont waste any. its not expensive but i aint made o money. Keeping him in a decent pose is caseing me serious headache. and he has one long calf, one long shin (not on the same leg >.>) and one long arm. so that's gunna be fun to fix. He's totally built tho so i have jut gotta thicken him up on the right side's and that's half the battle won

my last blob gave him a sweet ass. you know you love it

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